Tyne Valley Lawncare

Business closed due to retirement

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Low Impact Environmentally Friendly Lawncare

The alternative approach for those who wish to embrace nature but still want a healthy vigorous lawn.

No selective weed killers.  Many common plants such as clover and dandelions actually benefit your lawn. Clover is a nitrogen fixer, adding nutrition to the soil, and the long tap root that makes dandelions so difficult to eradicate serves as an effective aerator.

Scarify your lawn once a year to control thatch and allow air and nutrients to reach the plant roots.

Consider aeration of the lawn on a solid tine basis again to ensure air and nutrients are not just reaching the surface but getting down to root level.

Don't mow too short, your lawn will be more drought and disease resistant, but if you want a thick healthy sward you should mow at least on a 2 weekly basis throughout the growing season.

Leave clippings on the lawn to provide nutrients equivalent over a year to one application of fertiliser.

Apply long lasting slow release fertiliser once or twice a year to provide essential nutrients.

Contact us to discuss a low impact lawn treatment  programme for your  lawn.

We are Public Liability insured and Lantra qualified.

We are reliable, professional and affordable.

Tyne Valley Lawncare for Superservice

Natural Lawncare

Tyne Valley Lawncare

Telephone 0191 4131644              Mobile   07766 572871