Tyne Valley Lawncare

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We can treat the moss  but if the underlying cause is not addressed the moss will return.

What are the main  causes of Moss ?

  1. Poor drainage leading to a moist turf.

  2. Low fertility due to lack of nutrients.

  3. Shade from trees.

  4. Time of year, autumn, winter and spring

  5. Cutting the grass too low.

  6. Poor surface levels leading to scalping.

  7. Bare areas not reseeded.

  8. Poor lawn aeration.

Effective moss treatment aims to encourage the growth of grass by a combination of an  application of a moss killer and lawn scarification to initially remove the moss followed by a  fertiliser programme to make  the grass the  dominant species in a lawn.

Treatment Programmes

There are numerous products on the market available for the control of moss. Most of these control products contain sulphate of iron. The sulphate of iron kills the moss and this ingredient can also be applied on its own.

The ideal time to treat moss  is in the spring time when the grass is starting to show signs of growth after the winter months.

About 10 - 14 days after the moss treatment is applied, the moss should have been killed and is now ready to be raked out of the lawn. There are two options for this task, either a powered lawn scarifier or a hand rake. Which one you choose will depend on the size of the area and the quantity of to be removed.

We are reliable, professional  and affordable

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Moss Control

Tyne Valley Lawncare

Telephone 0191 4131644              Mobile   07766 572871